Fall activities, Mid-Autumn Festival, Preschool Reads, Reviews

Preschool Reads: 《中秋节》Mid-Autumn Festival

中秋节 is coming up on October 4 this year! I wanted to get a book so that we can learn about it together, because… erm… I actually know nothing about it. 😝

I like to get 全套 (whole set) of books because it saves so much time, hassle, and $$ compared to buying each book individually:

And now I have books for all the Chinese holidays for the whole year. Sweet. 

I was worried Little Man wouldn’t like these traditional Chinese stories but surprisingly enough he does! He has asked to read《中秋节》every day for over a week now.

He’s quite fascinated by the shooting suns with bows and arrows, thievery, sword brandishing… BOYS. 🙄

His Chinese is not strong so I had to translate almost everything at first. With each reading though, he understands more and more, and now I can read the whole book to him without translating.

The illustrations are so cute! This is Little Man’s first exposure to 古装 (ancient Chinese outfits) and he finds their hair and outfits very interesting indeed.

Overall, I’m very pleased with this《中秋节》book and think this set is super value-for-money. I can see us using it for several years to come.

Warning: ⚠️ I never realized that Chinese legends are so violent?! There is a fair bit of mature content like scary monsters, death, committing suicide (端午节 and 元宵节), and stealing women’s clothes while they are bathing in the lake (七夕). 😱😱😱 Definitely pre-read to see if your child is ready to handle these topics!!!

Price: $3.80 USD for set of 10 books

Shipping weight: 0.9kg (~$15 shipping to USA)

Buy from: World Taobao

Publisher: 海豚出版社 Dolphin Books

ISBN: 978-7-5110-3689-6

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